Although the sieve-plate column are: ⑴ tray installation require a higher degree level, or gas-liquid contact with uneven. 虽然筛板塔有:⑴塔板安装的水平度要求较高,否则气液接触不匀。
The control strategy of reactive distillation dividing wall column was first studied through steady-state sensitive analysis, the temperature relative gain of each tray were obtained. 在稳态模拟的基础上,研究了醋酸甲酯水解的反应精馏隔壁塔的控制策略。
Investigation was made to improve the flow of liquid in industrial tray column on the basis of understanding the cause of nonuniform flow on the column tray. 在探讨不均匀流动成因的基础上,进行了改善板面不均匀流动的研究。
Research on the Hydrodynamic Performance of Taper Sieve Tray Column efficiency of new VST was then studied with ethanol-water system and was compared with that of sieve tray. 锥形筛孔塔板流体力学性能的研究在此基础上,又用乙醇-水系统在常压下测定了该塔的塔板效率并与筛板塔进行了对比。
New type of plate column ( guiding ladder shapped float valve tray) and new packing materials ( wave ring packing material-CHINAPAK) are introduced on the basis of analysing different column trays and new packing materials in China. 在评述目前国内常用的几种塔板和新型填料之后,着重介绍一种新型塔板(导向梯形浮阀塔板)和一种新型填料(波环填料&乾隆帕克)。
Three-dimensional visible design was introduced, which emphasized on three-dimensional visual design of distillation column and internals, such as column tray, packing, liquid distributor, gas distributor and supporting structure. 介绍了三维可视化设计应用于现代化工设备设计的优越性和可行性,重点介绍三维可视化设计在塔板、填料、液体分布器、气体分布器和支撑结构等精馏塔内件中的应用。
An improved dynamic model of nonideal multicomponent distillation column is presented in this paper, in which the simultaneous effects of mass and heat transfer, tray hydraulics, tray efficiency and reboiler dynamics are taken into account. 综合了精馏塔的物料及能量平衡、塔板水力学方程、塔板效率及再沸器动态特性,给出一种改进的非理想多元物系精馏塔通用动态数学模型。
The feature of orientating injection column tray and application situation of benzol stripper and ammonia stripper in the coking industry are described. 介绍了导向喷射塔盘的特点及导向喷射塔盘在焦化行业脱苯塔和蒸氨塔的使用情况。
Some new kinds of tray column were reviewed, and their technology progress were discussed, some common problems of tray column in the course of design and application were analyzed. 综合介绍了近年来涌现出来的一些新型板式塔,阐述了板式塔技术的进展,对板式塔设计和应用过程中的问题进行了分析与讨论。
The liquid flow pattern, or velocity distribution, is an important factor in column tray design. 塔板上气液两相的流动状况尤其是液相的流速分布对塔板效率有重要影响。
In this paper, according to the need of developing new style column, new style fixed-valve tray-rectangular fixed-valve tray with fold edges and common rectangular fixed-valve tray were studied from experiments and CFD simulation. 本文针对开发塔设备新类型的需要,从实验和CFD模拟两方面对新型的固定阀塔板-带折边矩形固定阀塔板以及普通的矩形固定阀塔板进行了研究。
Comparing the characteristics of tray column with packed column, and combining the structured packing with dual flow plate, a new type compound tray was developed. 对比板式塔和填料塔的特点,将规整填料与穿流板有机组合,开发出新型的复合塔板。
According to process design of azeotropic distillation column of MTBE plant, Commercial application of JCPT tray is introduced. 结合燕化公司MTBE装置扩能改造共沸蒸馏塔的工艺设计,介绍了JCPT塔板的工业应用情况。
The design steps are expounded through the brief analyses of the relation between each performance curve in the capacity graph of valve tray column and each major structural size of the tray. 通过浮阀塔负荷性能图中各性能曲线与塔板各主要结构尺寸的简要分析,阐述了设计步骤。
Analysis and application of high efficiency column tray in urea reactor 尿素合成塔高效塔板分析与应用
The designed and developed a new type mass transfer column bubble mist tray through analysis of mass transfer mechanism of packing column and plate column. 通过对填料塔和板式塔的传质机理分析,运用流体力学和传质原理设计开发了一种传质新塔型&泡、雾沫塔盘。
The column of reactive distillation was improved from compound tower to sieve tray tower which is famous for its lower cost of equipment and simpler operation and cleaning. 反应精馏塔由原来的复合型塔改为单纯筛板塔,操作清洗简单、设备费用低。
Tray column is one of the important mass-transfer equipment in chemical industry. In order to adapt to the continuous changing of the production requirements, the developing of valves with superior integrative performance has become the key to the development of the valve tray. 板式塔是重要的化工传质设备,为了适应不断变化的生产要求,开发综合性能优越的浮阀已经成为浮阀塔发展的关键。